Network Information Services Infrastructure o Work on NIC Locator - Progress since last meeting in Toronto - Planned improvements - Additional suggestions...? o Status on InterNIC Briefcase (a.k.a. Starter Kit) ======== NIC Locator Progress Since last meeting in Toronto o NIC Locator database contains 69 profiles - 17 new profiles - 23 updates to existing profiles o Outreach - Scout Report - Net-happenings mailing list - Discussed at SIGUCCS BOF (October, Ann Arbor) - Discussed at EDUCOM Presentation (November, San Antonio) - Included in InterNIC Handout (hard copy) - Included in InterNIC Briefcase (hard copy) ======== NIC Locator Access Statistics - November Gopher/WWW: 2187 file requests 2258 directory scans FTP: 534 profiles downloaded WAIS: 3211 database access requests NIC Locator Access Gopher select D & D Services/Database Services Web gopher:// ======== Planned Improvements (i.e. InterNIC Suggestions) o Improved Wed access: HTML "on the fly" Target date: Spring IETF o Automatic Email to NIC contact every six months o Outreach through Briefcase Service enrollment ======== InterNIC Briefcase Service InterNIC Briefcase o A 12 page brochure designed for people not yet connected to the Internet o Always designed for use by NIC organizations to service their users easier o Briefcase will evolve; include additional documents Status o Hard copy "masters" available to NIC organizations for local reproduction and distribution o No-cost license after NIC enrolls in Briefcase Service o Enrollment very simple: one electronic form with contact information and NIC Services o Highly recommended: Include your NIC information on the inside front cover o Highly recommended: Join the NIC Locator service by submitting a profile ======== Electronic version of this information: send mail to in the body of message: send/faq/briefcase