Mail Extensions (MAILEXT) Charter Chair(s) C. Allan Cargille: Mailing Lists General Discussion: To Subscribe: In Body: subscribe mailext Your Full Name Archive: Description of Working Group The Mail Extensions Working Group will review, refine as needed, and then make a recommendation on standardization of several recent proposals for standards-track compatible extensions to SMTP (via the Service Extensions mechanism), MIME (via new Content Subtypes), and MIME-MHS (via MIME Content Subtypes and usage rules). It will also act as the review body for several documents that clarify and provide applicability statements about the use of Internet mail: that work will ultimately lead to an update for the mail-related section of RFC 1123. Part of that effort involves RARE WG-MSG documents that address the Internet's installed electronic mail infrastructure. Since such documents should not be processed in RARE alone, this working group will act as the IETF focus for reviewing them. Initial drafts of all of the documents that the working group is expected to review have already been, or will soon be, published. The working group will be starting with documents that have been prepared as individual (or spontaneous design team) contributions. It is not expected to initiate new work. On the other hand, it is expected to make explicit "not ready for standardization" or "inappropriate for standardization" recommendations if that is appropriate. The working group will be initialized with the following Internet- Drafts or their successors, listed alphabetically. A major purpose of its first meeting is to prune or add to this list. draft-freed-ftbp-00.txt draft-freed-smtp-pipeline-00.txt draft-houttuin-mailservers-02.txt draft-rare-msg-a-bombs-00.txt draft-rare-msg-c-bombs-00.txt draft-vaudreuil-smtp-binary-04.txt draft-vaudreuil-smtp-stream-00.txt Goals and Milestones Done Meet at the Toronto IETF. Review pending Internet-Drafts and decide for each whether it is ready for processing to Proposed, should be published as Experimental or Informational, should be discarded as a working group effort, or should be a candidate for further working group development. Refine the charter and work plan. Jul 1994 Publish an Internet-Draft on mail transport clarifications. Sep 1994 Revised drafts and IESG processing of any documents that were concluded in July to be ready for processing. Oct 1994 Revised versions of specification documents identified as needing further development published as Internet-Drafts and ready for processing and final review. Oct 1994 Publication of revised versions of any documents that were concluded in July to be ready to advance onto the standards track. Dec 1994 Final review of remaining specification documents during the San Jose IETF. Penultimate review of clarifications and applicability statements documents. Jan 1995 New Internet-Drafts of clarifications and applicability statements documents. Jan 1995 Final Internet-Drafts of specification documents ready for Last Call and IESG processing to Proposed Standard. Apr 1995 Final review on clarifications and applicability statements documents as Internet-Drafts during IETF. May 1995 Clarifications and applicability statements documents ready for Last Call and IESG processing to Proposed Standard. Internet-Drafts ``Characters and character sets for various languages'', 09/15/1994, H. Alvestrand ``SMTP Service Extensions for Transmission of Large and Binary MIME Messages'', 08/22/1994, G. Vaudreuil ``Tags for the identification of languages'', 09/23/1994, H. Alvestrand ``SMTP 521 reply code'', 09/21/1994, A. Durand, F. Dupont, J. Myers ``SMTP Service Extension for Checkpoint/Restart'', 08/18/1994, D. Crocker, N. Freed, A. Cargille ``SMTP Service Extension for Command Pipelining'', 08/18/1994, N. Freed, A. Cargille