IP and ARP over Fibre Channel (FC) Yakov Rekhter T.J. Watson Research Center IBM Corporation yakov@watson.ibm.com ======== Design Objectives o IP level interoperability between conformant implementations o Internet-Draft - draft-rekhter-fibre-channel-03.txt ======== Inside the Scope o Mechanisms to exchange IP and ARP o Constraints on FC-2 Frame Header parameters o IP to N_Port Identifier mapping o Fair access to node's resources ======== Outside the Scope o Everything else: - ARP Server solution - IP Multicast - Network configuration and management - IEEE 802 MAC Layer bridging - Interaction with other FC-4s running over the same N_Port - Full support for IEEE 802.2 LLC ======== FC-2 Frame Header o R_CTL field: - Routing bits - Device Data - Information Category - Unsolicited Data o TYPE = IEEE 802.2 LLC/SNAP (LLC + SNAP encapsulation) o Other Headers - Association Header - optional (if present must be with a non-null Initial Process Associator) - Expiration/Security Header - optional - Network Header - not used ======== Login Parameters o Fabric Login and N_Port Login are required to exchanged IP/ARP o Obtaining N_Port Identifier is outside the scope o No constraints on - Common Login Parameters - Parameters for Fabric Login - Parameters for N_Port Login ======== Exchanging IP/ARP Packets o One IP Packet <==> One Information Unit o One ARP Packet <==> One Information Unit o Exchange to pass Information Units - Only the Exchange Originator sends IP/ARP packets ==> * bidirectional traffic required two Exchanges - One or more Exchanges between a given pair of N_Ports ======== LLC/SNAP Header o LLC + SNAP encapsulation o Used with IP over HIPPI, IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.5 o Single FC-2 TYPE for both IP and ARP ======== Address Resolution o < N_Port Identifier, Initial Process Associator > = hardware address o Support multiple hardware addresses per single IP address o Local Mapping (required to support) o ARP Server (optional) - Well-known N_Port Identifier - "FFFFFC" - A Node registers with an ARP Server after Fabric Login ======== Fair Access o Class 1 - Limiting time of open Class 1 connection (500 milliseconds) o Resources associated with an Exchange - Independent of a particular Class - Ability to terminate an Exchange (by either the Originator or the Responder) ======== MTU o Single Information Unit - up to (2^{32} - 1) octets o Maximum IP packet size - 652080 octets - Consistent with HIPPI - Single IP packet into 64 Kbytes buffer with up to 256 octets of overhead