Banyan Vines/PPP Fred Baker standing in for Steve Senum ======== Vines Features o Supported - Vines address resolution - Vines data protocol - Vines fragmentation protocol - Negotiation o Not supported - Vines Echo Protocol ======== Options o BV-Link-Type o BV-FRP o BV-RTP ======== BV-Link-Type o Non-Sequenced Routing Update Protocol o 90 second update interval o LAN model - Full update every 90 seconds o WAN model - twelve minute cycle - three full updates - five updates containing only changed routes o Default is WAN o no effect if VINES 5.5 (sequenced RTP) in use ======== BV-FRP VINES Fragmentation Protocol o Negotiates enabling/disabling FRP o FRP not deeded if MRU >= 1484 o Default is "disabled" ======== BV-RTP Enables/Disables Route Updates o May want to disable on dial link o default is "enabled" ======== BV-Routing Why not declare your routing protocol? o Four values - RTP-LAN - RTP-WAN - S-RTP default? - no routing o Receiver may not understand S-RTP o Receiver may require route info from a system configured otherwise o One option replaces BV-RTP and BV-Link-Type