Topologically Sensitive "Names" for a Very Large Network or Why I Like Variable Length Addresses Noel Chiappa ======================================================== 1) Hierarchy is the only way to make routing scale in a large network. 2) Hierarchical names are sequences of area names. 3) Ergo, hierarchical names are inherently variable length in a non-constrained topology and address structure. 4) Aggregating two things which are not topologically related is of no use to the routing. ======================================================== A1 / \ B1 B2 / \ C1 C2 <--- (A1, B2, C2) ======================================================== A1 / | \ B1 B2 B3 / \ | | C1 C2 C3 C4 ======================================================== 1) In a decentralized network, there is variation in tree depth. 2) If naming aggregates are done for QOS/policy reasons, there are more layers. ======================================================== I don't have a good enough crystal ball to represent a variable length hierarchical name in a fixed length field. Ergo We have to look for efficient ways to use variable length hierarchical names. Flows are my best bet, but other solutions are possible. See Nimrod IPng Requirements document.