IPng Address Usage Proposals Laurence J. Wolf Director of Network Development Instinet Corporation ======== Two Modest Proposals o A proposed host address range allocation o A proposed address assignment allocation method ======== Host Address Range Allocation o Reserve the last 16 bits of the 128 bit address space for host addresses only o Pros - 2^16 hosts per net (or 65,534 available addresses) - No need for network classes, subnets, masks, etc. - Simplicity - it will ease human and machine recognition of address usage o Cons - Only 2^112 network addresses are still available (i.e., only 5.2e21 trillion networks are still available) - Inflexible ======== Address Assignment Allocation Method o Charge for network address allocations using the following algorithm: $10.00US + $.10US * (X-1) = the total charge for X number of network addresses per application o Use revenues to fund Internet activities o Pros - Vastly simplify the allocation process - Everyone can afford one (or a hundred) - educe waste and increase address usage efficiency o Cons: NONE