Toronto IETF, July 1994 Presented by Venkat of HP as possible changes to RMON. In particular, a way to include network address information in the RMON structure and to handle variable length headers in the filter area. Host, Matrix Addresses ---------------------- Most of existing MIB retained, except "physical address" changed to "physical and/or network address." Address representation is described in next section. HostEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hostAddress OCTET STRING, hostCreationOrder INTEGER (1..65535), hostIndex INTEGER (1..65535), hostInPkts Counter, hostOutPkts Counter, hostInOctets Counter, hostOutOctets Counter, hostOutErrors Counter, hostOutBroadcastPkts Counter, hostOutMulticastPkts Counter } hostAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The physical and/or network address of this host." ::= { hostEntry 1 } hostTopNAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The physical and/or network address of this host." ::= { hostTopNEntry 3 } MatrixSDEntry ::= SEQUENCE { matrixSDSourceAddress OCTET STRING, matrixSDDestAddress OCTET STRING, matrixSDIndex INTEGER (1..65535), matrixSDPkts Counter, matrixSDOctets Counter, matrixSDErrors Counter } matrixSDSourceAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The source physical and/or network address." ::= { matrixSDEntry 1 } matrixSDDestAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The destination physical and/or network address." ::= { matrixSDEntry 2 } MatrixDSEntry ::= SEQUENCE { matrixDSSourceAddress OCTET STRING, matrixDSDestAddress OCTET STRING, matrixDSIndex INTEGER (1..65535), matrixDSPkts Counter, matrixDSOctets Counter, matrixDSErrors Counter } matrixDSSourceAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The source physical and/or network address." ::= { matrixDSEntry 1 } matrixDSDestAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The destination physical and/or network address." ::= { matrixDSEntry 2 } Address Representation ---------------------- Addresses are represented as Type followed by Type Specific Address: Type and address is one of the following: TYPE ADDRESS MAC [six bytes of physical address] NET [net-type][len=x][x bytes of network address] MAC-NET [len=6][six-bytes of physical address] [net-type][len=x][x bytes of network address] NET-MAC [net-type][len=x][x bytes of network address] [len=6][six-bytes of physical address] Filter Table extension ---------------------- Filter table extension to handle the problem of variable length headers in protocol layers. FilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { filterIndex INTEGER (1..65535), filterChannelIndex INTEGER (1..65535), filterProtocolBase OCTET STRING, filterPktDataOffset INTEGER, filterPktData OCTET STRING, filterPktDataMask OCTET STRING, filterPktDataNotMask OCTET STRING, filterPktStatus INTEGER, filterPktStatusMask INTEGER, filterPktStatusNotMask INTEGER, filterOwner OwnerString, filterStatus INTEGER } filterProtocolBase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A specification of protocol base from which offsets are measured. Protocol base is specified as a sequence of [len][[level][value][level][value]...] pairs. Such level-value pairs identifies (from the lowest protocol level onwards) a sequence of protocol layers the filter matching engine must take the packet through. If len is set to zero, packets will be matched from the beginning of the frame. This object may not be modified if the associated filterStatus object is equal to valid(1)." DEFVAL { [len=0] } ::= { filterEntry 3 }