Toronto IETF, July 1994 Presentation presented by Timon Sloane and Karl Auerbach on possible changes for RMON, in particular a Packet Generation capability. Packet Generation Group PktGenEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktGenIndex INTEGER, pktGenFrameData OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..1518)), pktGenCount INTEGER (1..10000), pktGenInterval INTEGER (0..5000), -- units: ms pktGenCalcCRC INTEGER, pktGenInterface INTEGER, -- ifIndex pktGenFire INTEGER, pktGenOwner OwnerString, pktGenStatus rowStatus } pktGenCalcCRC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { probe-calculates-crc (1), crc-bytes-transmitted-as-is (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this object has the value 'probe-calculates-crc' then the probe will calculate the MAC layer CRC and overwrite the bytes contained in 'pktGenFrameData' that are in the same position as the CRC bytes. If this object has the value 'crc-bytes-transmitted-as-is', then the probe will not calculate and overwrite the CRC bytes in the 'pktGenFrameData'. For probes than cannot transmit packets without calculating and generating a CRC, a set of this object to 'crc-bytes-transmitted-as-is' will result in a badValue error." ::= { pktGenEntry x } pktGenFire OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { idle (1), fire (2), busy (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object, when read, will always return the value 'idle' or 'busy'. If this object is set to the value 'fire', the agent will transmit the appropriate number of data link frames.... If this object has the value 'busy', then the probe is currently transmitting frames and will return a badValue if the manager attempts to set this object to 'fire'. ::= { pktGenEntry x }