RIP Version II (RIPV2) Charter Chair(s) Gary Malkin: Mailing Lists General Discussion: To Subscribe: Archive: Description of Working Group RIP Version 2 and the Version 2 MIB was approved as a Proposed Standard in January 1993. They were published as RFC 1388 and RFC 1389. Since the mimimum required period has elapsed for a protocol to remain as a Proposed Standard, RIP V2 can now be considered for advancement to Draft Standard. The RIP Version 2 Working Group will prepare a recommendation to the IESG evalating the standards track status of RIP Version 2 and the RIP Version 2 MIB. The recommendation will document implementation, interoperability and deployment experience as required by RFC 1264 ``Routing Protocol Criteria.'' This group is chartered to prepare revisions of ``RIP Version 2'' (RFC 1388), ``RIP Version 2 MIB'' (RFC 1389), and the analysis document (RFC 1387) if necessary. The RIP Version 2 Working Group is further chartered to evaluate the proposal for ``Routing over Demand Circuits using RIP'' for standards track consideration. Goals and Milestones Done Review of RIP-II Internet-Draft to ensure the additions are useful and backwards compatible. Also ensure that the additions cannot cause routing problems. Done Final review of RIP-II Internet-Draft and submission into the standards track. First review of RIP-II MIB. Done Review of implementations. Final review of MIB. Done Hold working group meetings to review RIP Version 2 implementations and make any changes needed to the specifications. Done Review the RIP over Demand Circuits Internet-Draft. Done Submit the RIP over Demand Circuits to the IESG for consideration as a Proposed Standard. Done Post as an Internet-Draft a report describing the implementation and operational experience of the RIP v2 protocol in accordance with the RFC 1264 ``Routing Protocol Criteria.'' Done Submit the RIP Version 2 protocol to the IESG for consideration as a Draft Standard. Internet-Drafts ``RIP Version 2 Carrying Additional Information'', 07/08/1994, G. Malkin ``RIP Version 2 MIB Extension'', 08/04/1994, G. Malkin, F. Baker ``RIP Version 2 Protocol Analysis'', 04/23/1994, G. Malkin ``RIP Version 2 Protocol Applicability Statement'', 07/14/1994, G. Malkin Request For Comments RFC 1387 ``RIP Version 2 Protocol Analysis'' RFC 1388 ``RIP Version 2 Carrying Additional Information'' RFC 1389 ``RIP Version 2 MIB Extension''