InterNIC Information Services InfoGuide Organized with beginners in mind Manual indexing for efficient document searching Scout Report Weekly summary of Net resources, other announcements R & E community is the primary audience Resources: Web, gopher, FTP, telnet, email National Information Infrastructure Net Bytes Weekend Scouting Commercial Services HTML version for local posting mail to: subscribe scout-report subscribe scout-report-html Newsletter Overviews: NSFNET Transition, NII legislation Hard copy, Web Versions: NSFNET new architecture map, NII legislation chart Requests to mirror: ======== USV-Web Status on Monday: "Strawman" Homepage: JK Reynolds, USV Summary Links to IETF FTP site WG directories: charter and minutes Progress: Continue with USV-Web and upgrade Committee to offer advice, ideas: 5-6 people Entire USWG participants welcome to submit ideas IS to upgrade homepage to same look and feel as InfoGuide: icons, "return" arrow... IS to continue to host and support homepage Maintenance of content: Joyce, IS Components Mentioned: Homepage "actively welcomes" and encourages participation Homepage graphics USV logo? USV "colors"? -- USV "look and feel" Links to IETF Web page: now links to documents for each WG Forms to join mailing lists? Related documents? Photos? Audio "welcome" by Joyce? :-) ======== NIC Templates Status: IS requested updates, received 36 of 59 DS posted on gopher, WAIS, X.500 servers RS posted on a RWhois servers Plans: IS sends a second query to the remaining 23 DS will update RS will update IS doing brief status on white pages projects What's Next? Outreach to more NICs? Continue to use all servers? Distributed RWhois servers? ======== Internet Starter Kit Status: Being produced by InterNIC IS Made available to other NIC organizations Late August - early September Hard copy for local reproduction Ascii, postscript Desk-top publishing format Framemaker? Can customize for specific needs Plans: Input from IETF USWG, NISI for Version 1. Input this Fall from college, university, K12 Will be updated, improved as appropriate ======== Internet Starter Kit Defining the Internet 1 p. InterNIC Services for Starters 1 p. Getting Connected FAQ 2 pp. Internet Resources 1 p. Network Tools 2 pp. Glossary for Starters 1 p. Bibliography for Starters 1 p. Issues in Becoming a Provider of Internet 1 p. Access or On-line Information Providers Lists: Updated Leased-Line Providers - USA Updated Dial-up Providers - USA Updated International Providers - Worldwide ======== Defining the Internet Purpose: Introduce the Big Picture to: students who have just gotten an account J. Q. Public who has heard about the Internet in the general media, but have never tried it. email-only users who want to know more Provide definitions from several viewpoints. Format: One page One paragraph per topic Content: origin/purpose/resources ownership/management/governance research & education community rapid change/media attention NII/GII/ISH ======== The InterNIC % IS % DS % RS Services for Starters Contact Info ======== Getting Connected FAQ Purpose: Briefly explain several basic connectivity option so that starters know which services may apply to them Let them know they should do further research. Provide some of the questions they should ask. Provide a smattering of basic terminology, and a few basic diagrams. Format: Separate Sections: Individual - dial-up Individual - SLIP/PPP Organizations - SLIP/PPP Organizations - Leased Line Content: Explanations in English Examples of tools you can use with each Examples of resources you can access Questions to ask IAP for each connection option ======== Internet Resources Purpose: Provide examples of specific resources in a variety of fields. For those who know they want to be "on the net" but don't know exactly why. Hard copy to hand their boss (or spouse) when trying to explain why. Format: One page, varied, addresses (photos, icons) Content: science arts and humanities education - higher ed education - K12 usenet news business commercial recreation ======== Network Tools Purpose: Introduction to the names of the tools and their general uses Explained without using net.lingo Relate tools back to connectivity options. Format: name, derivation of name, 3-4 sentence explanation, example of a resource accessed with this tool, possibly a diagram Content: email FTP telnet news gopher WWW ======== Glossary for Starters Purpose: Define all terms, acronyms, and abbreviations used in the Starter Kit Define some of the terms used most often in the general media Format: words (diagrams) Content: ======== Bibliography for Starters Purpose: Recommendations of books, articles, and videos that are truly for starters, i.e. those not yet connected. Issues in Becoming a Provider of Internet Access or On- line Information Purpose: Provide an "official" collection of pointers for those who want to pursue business opportunities on the Internet. Format: A few basic realities of the Internet. Pointers to where they can begin their own research. Content: contributors: IS, CIX, Merit/FARNET advice: get connected read, read, read; explore, explore, explore and/or hire a consultant pointers to consultant lists pointers to commercial services and resources