Electronic Copyright Management System Testbed Judith Grass Corporation for National Research Initiatives o Deposit of copyrighted materials - Currently hard copy at Library of Congress - Move to electronic repository o Registration and automated filing of copyright claims - Currently a manual process at the L.O.C. o Rights, permissions and recordation o Process validation ======== System Components and Information Flow (See uri.grass.figure.gif) ======== Digital Objects o May incorporate works subject to copyright o May be performances of works subject to copyright o May be works unto themselves o May contain confidential or proprietary material ======== Examples of Works Incorporated in Digital Objects o Literary Works o Movies o Pictures and Graphics o VLSI Designs o Software o Simulations o Knowledge Structures ======== Fingerprinting a Digital Object _________ | | | | _ | | =========> |_| | | | | Tiny Fingerprint |_________| Large Digital Object Fingerprints are maintained in an IR Server (known as the Registration and Recordation Server) along with Properties Records of all Copyright Registration claims; they may be used to authenticate digital objects at any time in the future. ======== Digital Objects and Handles o A Sequence of bits & a handle o A Handle is - An object identifier - Unique - Essentially permanent - Location independent - Scalable - Support retrieval ======== Handle Syntax o hdl://auth_name/time_stamp:num/descriptor o Authority Name - Hierarchical: techmemo.lib.megacorp o Time stamp - yyyymmdd.hhmmss: 19940718.203255 - serial number - unique in combo with authority name o Descriptor ======== Handle Examples o hdl://cs.berkeley.edu/19991202.145532/cstr_5782 o hdl://dls.cnri.us/20100530232323:5/ o hdl://lib_of_cong.us/19930401.020000/isbn0-201-62224-6 o hdl://tech_memo.lib.megacorp/2000.1131.235959/tm-775-22