Compression Encapsulation Requirements (Thanks to Bob Enger for quantifying these on short notice!) Automatic Discovery o How can we automatically determine that capability exists along path? o How can we ensure we are de-compressing as close to destination as possible? o If failure occurs, can we locate another compressor along the path. (Can we ensure it is in the far side of the bottleneck resource?) Optimizations? o Header Compression - Keep encapsulated size below real MTU - Can we handle enough state to do this for lots of "flows"? o Do we need to negotiate type/style of compression? Can this be done without significant "call set-up" delays? Failue Recovery Modes o Host based? o Router based: - What if not all access routers are comp savy? - Route change causes use of router/compressor with no prior history of flow(s)? o LAN compressor box based: - Box fails - how do hosts (ES) know to switch routing direct to router? - How does far end know to stop compressing? Must We Encapsulate? o Indication at the IP-layer that payload is compressed? A method must be chosen that does not cause intermediate routers to handle our packets outside of the fast-path mode.