Dynamic Host Configuration (dhc) -------------------------------- Charter Current status: active working group Chair(s): Ralph Droms Internet Area Director(s) Stev Knowles Claudio Topolcic Mailing lists: General Discussion:host-conf@sol.bucknell.edu To Subscribe: host-conf-request@sol.bucknell.edu Archive: sol.bucknell.edu:~/dhcwg Description of Working Group: The purpose of this working group is to investigate network configuration and reconfiguration management, and determine those configuration functions that can be automated, such as Internet address assignment, gateway discovery and resource location, and those which cannot be automated (i.e., those that must be managed by network administrators). Goals and Milestones: Done Write a BOOTP extensions document. Done Identify (in the spirit of the Gateway Requirements and Host Requirements RFCs) the information required for hosts and gateways to: exchange packets with other hosts, obtain packet routing information, access the Domain Name System, and access other local and remote services. Done Summarize those mechanisms already in place for managing the information identified by objective 1. Done Suggest new mechanisms to manage the information identified by objective 1. Done Having established what information and mechanisms are required for host operation, examine specific scenarios of dynamic host configuration and reconfiguration, and show how those scenarios can be resolved using existing or proposed management mechanisms.