CATNIP Robert Ullmann Lotus Development Corporation 29 March 1994 CATNIP Agenda o Agenda bashing o Soapbox o Technical issues o Tuba differences o Questions Technical Issues o Translating fragments o TTL on ICMP cache setup o TTL conversion to/from IPX "transport control" o Format of IPX addresses o Local IPX numbers TUBA and CATNIP o Source NSEL in CLNP conversion o TCP and UDP checksums o Addressing plans o Format of PTR RRs in the DNS Information o draft-ietf-catnip-base-03.txt o o o +1 617 693 1315 Soapbox o CATNIP IPng is a new network layer o APIs used by IPv4, CLNP and IPX applications do not change o Network service access point interface used by transports does not change o Subnetwork access (e.g., ES-IS) does not change o New protocols, implementations, and instances of implementations can then take advantage of addressing incrementally and independently Translating fragments o Data Unit ID in IPv4 and CLNP is 16 bits o ID in CATNIP fragment option is 64 + address o If fragmented by IPv4 or CLNP first, use 48 zeros, 16 bit UID, source address o If fragmented by CATNIP first, use low 16 bits o If translated multiple times, it works okay most of the time TTL in ICMP cache setup o Set to 1 to ensure adjacency o Is there a reason why some forwarding configurations might want to intentionally use more than 1? o Message sent back to adjacent station on subnetwork TTL conversion to IPX o IPX counts up from zero o Existing IPX considers 16 as expired o IPX 0 must map to catnip with a reasonably large TTL (64 in current draft) o CATNIP 0 must map to IPX expired o Can we avoid locking IPX into 16? Can IPX (re-)configure the limit now? Format of IPX addresses o AFI 47, Novell ICD (tba), network, node address o Followed by 2 zero octets in aligned form o Should a 2 octet field be added somewhere in the middle? o If so, what is it there for? Local IPX numbers o Local (unregistered) numbers apparently cannot be distinguished by format o Systems doing translation are going to work locally with unregistered numbers even if we'd like to prohibit it o Encourage Novell to allocate a local-use block? o Does any of this make local use of Appletalk mappings workable? Source NSEL in CLNP o Should the source NSAP selector be zero? o Or should it be a copy of the destination NSEL? o What are the arguments? o No reason why CATNIP and TUBA should be different. TCP and UDP checksums o CATNIP specifies last 4 octets of NSAP (-SEL) o SIPP does something similar to avoid having to patch up transport checksums o TUBA ought to use last 4 o When they are some MAC serial number, it is still a very good end-to-end check o Future transport protocols (TP4) can do better Addressing plans o TUBA plan for allocation of NSAPs in the Internet o Other OSI plans o CATNIP mapping of IPv4 and IPX plans o No conflict between these, provided that systems don't try to divine remote system capabilities by inspecting the address(es) offered Format of PTR RRs o Forward zone format is agreed (RR is "NSAP") o Inverse zone is rooted at .NSAP o CATNIP specifies octet breaks o Others suggest nibbles, which looks like it will be very painful for a very long time o Really a DNS design problem, but unlikely to be fixed by the DNS working group Questions o According to Robert's Rules, a motion to adjourn is in order at any time o I understand Seattle has some excellent microbreweries, I should have located a few by the time you read this o I am buying (at first) o TUBA is the next session, at 16:00