NETWORK MANAGEMENT AREA: OPEN MEETING Marshall T. Rose IETF Area Director for Network Management as of March 21, 1994 AGENDA o NM Area Report o SNMP multiplexing (tuesday only) o SNMP security (wednesday only) o General SNMP issues: presentations and discussion (as time permits) A REMINDER o The goal of the IETF is produce standards which: have high technical quality; solve real and immediate problems in the Internet using modest community and computing resources; are accessible to a broad community; are developed in an open and fair manner; and, are developed in a timely manner SNMPv1 FRAMEWORK o Core documents (full standards): RFC Name 1155 Structure of Management Information 1212 Concise MIB Definitions 1157 Simple Network Management Protocol 1213 Management Information Base II o Traps (informational): RFC Name 1215 A Convention for Defining Traps o Transport mappings (proposed standards): RFC Name 1418 SNMP over OSI 1419 SNMP over AppleTalk 1420 SNMP over IPX SNMPv2 FRAMEWORK o Core documents (proposed standards): RFC Name 1441 Introduction to SNMPv2 1442 SMI for SNMPv2 1443 Textual Conventions for SNMPv2 1444 Conformance Statements for SNMPv2 1445 Administrative Model for SNMPv2 1446 Security Protocols for SNMPv2 1447 Party MIB for SNMPv2 1448 Protocol Operations for SNMPv2 1449 Transport Mappings for SNMPv2 1450 MIB for SNMPv2 1451 Manager-to-Manager MIB 1452 Coexistence between SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 Standard (over 3000 objects) Work in Progress Topic Full Draft Proposed General MIB-II DECnet Phase-IV Appletalk SNA DLC/NAU Wires Interface layering 802 bridges 802 SR 802.3 repeaters Ether-like Token Ring, MAU FDDI (SMT 6.2 and 7.3) RMON, TRMON DS1, DS3, SONET ATM SIP, FR-DTE, FR-Service X.25 (PLP, LAPB, MIOX) VCs PPP (LCP, security, IP, bridging) Routing IP forwarding IS-IS BGP v3, OSPF v2, RIP v2 IDPR, IDRP Network User Identity, DNS Services Networked Applications Mail & Directory SNMPv2 MIB, M2M, Party Hosts Host Resources, UPS Modem Character (serial, parallel, ports) NM DIRECTORATE o Consider strategic evolution of the framework o Provide architectural/engineering guidance, at the earliest stages of a WG o Review submitted I-Ds for standards-track evaluation o No standards-setting power, but is consulted whenever a WG (in any area) defines a MIB module o Membership: Fred Baker, Tracy Brown, Ted Brunner, Jeff Case,\\ Deirdre Kostick, Keith McCloghrie, Dave Perkins,\\ Bob Stewart, Kaj Tesink, and Steve Waldbusser SNMPv2 AND MIB MODULES o Now: use SNMPv2 SMI, but without: BIT STRING, NsapAddress, Counter64, or UInteger32 (WGs can ask for waivers) o When SNMPv2 is a draft-standard: use SNMPv2 SMI, without restrictions WORKING GROUPS o Active: AToM MIB, Interfaces MIB, Modem, Printer MIB, RDBMS MIB, SNA DLC, SNA NAU Character MIB, RMON o Inactive: Bridge MIB, DECnet Phase IV MIB, FDDI MIB, FRS MIB, HR MIB, HUB MIB, MADMAN, SNMPv2, Trunk MIB, UPS MIB, X.25 MIB o AD messages sent to IETF and SNMP lists subscribe to IETF list: subscribe to SNMP list: HOW TO FORM A WORKING GROUP o See if there's an existing WG; otherwise follow these steps... o Find an area consultant who is interested in guiding the activity: if none, no WG o Consultant and AD discuss BOF/charter: if not workable, go back to previous step o Determine level of community interest via e-mail: establish initial vocabulary, views; and, draft a preliminary, non-binding charter o Request a BOF to determine: community interest in producing the technology; community interest in using the technology; and, if there is any vendor-specific experience o If AD is satisifed with outcome of BOF, a draft charter is negotiated and the AD presents it for IAB comment and IESG approval WHY IT'S DONE THIS WAY o Senior technical guidance, people with both: content-relevant experience; and, process-relevant experience, is a necessary ingredient for a successful WG o For example, without an appreciation of: technical simplicity and operational scaling, WGs tend to produce documents that are IETF-inconsistent o Unfortunately, as the IETF membership grows, the percentage of senior technical resources has decreased because any new IETF member initially lacks the shared philsophy, regardless of their background NM AD's STATEMENT OF DISCLOSURE o Principal of a consultancy: 50% time for clients, 50% for community service; and, clients neither fund nor direct any community service o Client list: Client Market Area North American Directory Forum Directory services SoftSwitch E-Mail & Directory products AT&T Bell Laboratories Network Management services Interop Company US Program Committee o Author of several books on internetworking technologies o A small number of shares in PSI, otherwise no financial interest in any computer-communications company o E-mail: o The appeals procedure: WG chair --> AD --> IESG --> IAB --> ISOC trustees SNMP MULTIPLEXING o Four issues to start the discussion o Presentations o Discussion the transparency requirement there are numerous aspects to SNMP that are ``non-negotiable'', e.g., lexicographical ordering, ``as if simultaneous'' sets, etc. in the past, we have seen examples of SNMP multiplexing implementations which violated these properties. needless to say, if you can't do things like get-next (between sub-agents), then you aren't doing SNMP. the sysUpTime requirement we all know that in order to make sense of objects having a syntax of Counter*, the manager must also examine the value of sysUpTime (e.g., in order to calculate rates). however, in order to associate a value with a TimeStamp object, a sub-agent must also consult sysUpTime. further, when a sub-agent loses track of any Counter* objects which it exports, it may need to be able to force sysUpTime to be reset. the row problem it is often desirable to allow different sub-agents to export different instances of the same object, i.e., allow different sub-agents to each export a different row in a table. associated with this is the problem of finding the ``right'' instance-IDs, where ``right'' depends on the table (e.g., ``right'' = ``unique'' for the ifTable, but ``right'' might = ``constant between reboots'' for other tables). the subtree problem it is often desirable to allow sub-agents to assign a ``priority'' when they export an object instance, where the sub-agent with the highest priority for an instance is the one which is called upon to answer requests. SNMP SECURITY o Presentations o Discussion