TASK AS DEFINED IN CHARTER: Mar 95 Write a set of two documents, one aimed at connection providers and the other aimed at educational sites, providing guidelines for bringing educational sites online. Included will be a broad definition of connection providers. Interim milestones: 3/94 complete outline 7/94 first draft 3/95 review completed. Current Status: Outline for Educational Sites Document available for review Questions on whether a document for Providers is reasonable ======== o WHAT WOULD BE A GOOD STARTER DOCUMENT FOR EDUCATORS? - Yet Another Lengthy Document, or - An Annotated Bibliography To Guide The K-12 User Through The Maze. ======== o DESCRIPTION OF AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY - Short - less than 10 pages - Lists available resources - Brief explanation of available resources and references o GUIDELINE FOR WRITING ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY - Research available documentation to discover what is available. If nothing is available on a particuler topic then - ISN WG needs to decide whether a document on that topic is required. o INTERNAL REFERENCES ARE ABBREVIATED i.e. [FYI 23] OR [Estrada, 1993] o PROPER BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERNCES WILL BE AT THE BACK ======== NETWORK SERVICE PROVIDER DOCUMENT o IS A DOCUMENT FOR PROVIDERS APPROPRIATE AND REQUIRED - The range of network providers is very broad - They will be market driven by the schools requirements and requests - They can be expected to have specialists that know their way through the maze - The school's document can serve their needs as well ======== DRAFT OUTLINE FOR EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY 1. WHAT IS THE INTERNET o 1 or 2 paragraphs of high level description. o References 2. TYPES OF SERVICES AVAILABLE TO EDUCATORS o Basic list of services for school use: i.e. Basic TCP/IP suite: including FTP, Telnet, E-mail o Other services available for school use: e.g WAIS, WWW, archie, Gopher etc... Mailing lists, listserv o References ======== 3. TYPES OF PHYSICAL CONNECTIONS AVAILABLE TO THE INTERNET o A list of ways one could hook up to the Internet i.e. dial up, dedicated o Incldue gross approximation of the costs involved o References 4. WHERE TO GO FOR HOOKUP o A pointer to a list of major/minor providers and type of service they provide. e.g. the NISI Template and how to get it. o Other references ======== 5. WHAT IS INVOLVED IN GETTING HOOKED UP o A general description of the types of installations e.g. Email access only Library access to network resources Lab network access School wide network District internetwork o A description of the types of equipment needed and approximate price range o A descrition of the administrative requirements for network access. - What they should be sure to get from their providers or other sources. e.g. name, domain name, addresses, configuration parameters o References ======== 6. SCHOOL CONTACT RESPONSIBILITIES o Tasks required of school personnel for the network connection. i.e. technical, administrative o What sort of time commitment can be expected for the various activities? o Pointers to organizations available to help novice administrators. o References 7. TRAINING AND SUPPORT o What sort of training is helpful/required? o Where can training be obtained? o What training could be expected of network providers? e.g. telephone support, documentation, on site support for set-up and training. On-line services/technical support. ======== 8. NETIQUETTE o References to documents on the rules and regulations of network access. 9. GLOSSARY o Essential terms. Especially those used in this FYI. o Reference to more extensive glossaries 10. BIBLIOGRAPHY o RFCs/published Material 11. USEFUL ADDRESSES AND PHONE NUMBERS Internic Registry, etc.