ISDN MIB (isdnmib) ------------------ Charter Current status: active working group Chair(s): Ed Alcoff Network Management Area Director(s): Deirdre Kostick Area Advisor Fred Baker Mailing lists: General To Subscribe: In Body: subscribe isdn-mib your_email_address Archive: Description of Working Group: The goal of the working group is to define the minimal set of managed objects for SNMP-based management of ISDN interfaces. ISDN interfaces are supported on a variety of equipment (for data and voice) including terminal adapters, bridges, hosts, and routers. The set of objects will be consistent with the SNMP framework and existing SNMP standards. The working group will solicit any existing enterprise-specific MIB modules to use as input to the standard MIB. The scope of the MIB is to support remote configuration and administration; support all ISDN interfaces and switch types; provide statistical information of ISDN call activity; a table of ISDN call history; and SNMP traps specific to ISDN call activity. RFC 1573 shall be used to define interface layering issues. Goals and Milestones: Jun 95 Post Internet-Draft for ISDN MIB. Jul 95 Review Internet-Draft at Stockholm IETF. Sep 95 Post update to ISDN MIB Internet-Draft. Dec 95 Meet at Dallas IETF to review updated draft (if warranted). Dec 95 Submit final Internet-Draft of the ISDN MIB to Area Director for consideration as a Proposed Standard. Internet-Drafts: No Current Internet-Drafts. Request For Comments: None to date.