CIDR Deployment (cidrd) ----------------------- Charter Current status: active working group Chair(s): Vince Fuller Tony Li Operational Requirements Area Director(s): Scott Bradner Michael O'Dell Mailing lists: General To Subscribe: Archive:* Description of Working Group: The CIDR Deployment Working Group will be a forum for coordinating the deployment, engineering, and operation of classless routing protocols and procedures in the global Internet. This activity will include, but not be limited to: - Deployment of CIDR addressing and routing in the global Internet. Will include coordination of deployment of new exterior routing protocols, such as BGP4, which support CIDR. - Develop mechanisms and procedures for sharing operational information to aim the operation. - Development of procedures, policies, and mechanisms to improve the utilization efficiency of the IPv4 address space. - Work on longer-term strategies for hierarchical, CIDR-based addressing and routing. Examples include class A subnetting and provider block sub-allocation along geographical/topological boundaries as is done for and in Europe. Initially, this working group will be simply the reincarnation of the BGP Deployment Working Group under a new name. Goals and Milestones: Ongoing Provide forum for discussion of initial CIDR/BGP4 deployment on the global Internet. Done Establish final charter, goals, and long-term group agenda. Feb 94 Work on inter-provider coordination of routing in the CIDR environment. Apr 94 Publish initial guideline document on CIDR allocation procedures (work in progress). Apr 94 Publish guidelines for usage of variable-length subnetting. Apr 94 Start work on document of inter-provider routing coordination. Apr 94 Begin work on document of aggregation guidelines. Jul 94 Begin work on document for long-term CIDR use, including subnetting of class As. Internet-Drafts: Posted Revised I-D Title ------ ------- ------------------------------------------ May 95 May 95 On the Implications of Address Ownership for Internet Routing May 95 New An Appeal to the Internet Community to Return Unused IP Networks(Prefixes) to the IANA May 95 New Observations on the use of Components of the Class A Address Space within the Internet Request For Comments: None to date.