Six companies participated in an "RSVP Technology Showcase" at the Networld+Interop show held in Atlanta, Georgia the week of September 26, 1995. Use Netscape 1.1 or later to view this report.


[6 participating companies were Bay Networks, Cisco Systems, Intel, SGI, Starlight and Sun] The Networld+Interop demo involved six companies in a demonstration of RSVP interoperability for Internet video applications. The benefits of RSVP services were dramatically demonstrated on a small, seven-router, internet testbed: Over a three day period, people at Networld+Interop saw that video looked bad on a congested internet, and that video was usable when RSVP services were invoked.

The participants in the Interop RSVP showcase included major host and routing vendors that had enabled prototype products with RSVP. The implicit messages of the showcase were that RSVP is here, it looks promising, and it's about to be introduced into the Internet marketplace.

Report Outline:

1. Overview

2. We met our objectives

3. We're documenting the event in a video [Interop RSVP video]

4. The topology and applications
host(vendor)apprate (kbps)bucket-size (kb)style
Sun ShowMeTV1500100FF

5. What was the service model that we used?

6. What we did not show

7. What's next?

For More Information

Contact the technical representatives of the Interop Showcase companies

Presented by Mark Baugher, Intel Internet Technology Lab