Web Transaction Security (wts) ------------------------------ Charter Current status: active working group Chair(s): Charlie Kaufman Security Area Director(s): Jeffrey Schiller Mailing lists: General Discussion:www-security@nsmx.rutgers.edu To Subscribe: www-security-request@nsmx.rutgers.edu Archive: http://www-ns.rutgers.edu/www-security Description of Working Group: The goal of the Web Transaction Security Working Group is to develop requirements and a specification for the provision of security services to Web transaction, e.g., transactions using HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP). This work will proceed in parallel to and independently of the development of non-security features in the HTTP Working Group. The working group will prepare two documents for submission as Internet Drafts; an HTTP Security Requirements Specification, and an HTTP Security Protocol Specification. The latter will be submitted as a Standards Track RFC. Goals and Milestones: Done HTTP Security Requirements submitted as Internet-Draft. Jul 95 HTTP Security Requirements finalized at the Stockholm IETF. Submit HTTP Security Specification proposal(s) as Internet-Drafts. Dec 95 HTTP Security Specification finalized at the Dallas IETF, submit to IESG for consideration as a Proposed Standard. Internet-Drafts: Posted Revised I-D Title ------ ------- ------------------------------------------ Dec 94 Feb 96 The Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol Apr 95 Mar 96 Requirements for Web Transaction Security Nov 95 New Use of the GSS-API for Web Security Feb 96 New Security Extensions For HTML Request For Comments: None to date.