Inter-Domain Routing (idr) -------------------------- Charter Current status: active working group Chair(s): Sue Hares Yakov Rekhter Routing Area Director(s): Joel Halpern Mailing lists: General To Subscribe: Archive: Description of Working Group: The main list for this working group is, but there is also an IDRP-specific mailing list: - List: - To Subscribe: - Archive: The Inter-Domain Routing Working Group is chartered to standardize and promote the Border Gateway Protocol Version 4 (BGP-4) and ISO Inter-Domain Routing Protocol (IDRP) as scalable inter-autonomous system routing protocols capable of supporting policy based routing for TCP/IP internets. The objective is to promote the use of BGP-4 to support IP version 4 (IPv4). IDRP is seen as a protocol that will support IPv4 as well as the next generation of IP (IPv6). The working group will plan a smooth transition between BGP-4 and IDRP. Documents: 1) BGP-4 (standards track) This document contains the specification of the BGP protocol that enables it to be used as a protocol for exchange of ``inter-autonomous system information'' among routers to support forwarding of IPv4 packets across multiple autonomous systems. 2) BGP-4 MIB (standards track) This document contains the MIB definitions for BGP-4. 3) IDRP for IPv4 over IPv4 (standards track) This document contains the appropriate adaptations of the IDRP protocol definition that enables it to be used as a protocol for exchange of ``inter-autonomous system information'' among routers to support forwarding of IPv4 packets across multiple autonomous systems. 4) IDRP MIB (standards track) This document contains the MIB definitions for IDRP. 5) BGP/IDRP -- OSPF Interactions (standards track) This document will specify the interactions between BGP/IDRP and OSPF. This document will be based on a combination of the BGP -- OSPF interactions, and IDRP -- IS-IS interaction documents. 6) BGP/IDRP for IPv4 Usage (standards track) Most of IDRP for IPv4 Usage will reference the CIDR (supernetting) RFCs and related Internet-Drafts. IDRP for IPv4 Usage will contain a sample policy configuration language, and examples on how to use IDRP for IPv4 in the Internet today. 7) IDRP for IPv6 This document contains the appropriate adaptations of the IDRP protocol definition that enables it to be used as a protocol for exchange of ``inter-autonomous system information'' among routers to support the forwarding of IPv6 packets across multiple autonomous systems. 8) IDRP for IP Next Generation Usage The IDRP for IPv6 Usage document will contain instructions on how to run IDRP for IPv6 over IPv4 and IPv6. Goals and Milestones: Jul 94 IDRP for IP Internet-Draft updated. Jul 94 IDRP MIB Internet-Draft updated. Done IDRP/BGP Usage Internet-Draft updated. Done IDRP/BGP -- OSPF Interactions Internet-Draft updated. Nov 94 IDRP for IP submitted for Proposed Standard. Nov 94 IDRP MIB submitted for Proposed Standard. Nov 94 IDRP/BGP Usage submitted for Proposed Standard. Done IDRP -- OSPF Interactions submitted for Proposed Standard. Nov 94 IDRP for IPng Internet-Draft submitted. Dec 94 IDRP MIB for IPng Internet-Draft submitted. Dec 94 IDRP Usage for IPng Internet-Draft submitted. Internet-Drafts: Posted Revised I-D Title ------ ------- ------------------------------------------ Aug 94 May 95 Guidelines for creation, selection, and registration of an Autonomous System (AS) Dec 94 Jun 95 A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4) Mar 95 Aug 95 A BGP/IDRP Route Server alternative to a full mesh routing Mar 95 New BGP AS Path Metrics May 95 Aug 95 Destination Preference Attribute for BGP May 95 Jun 95 Current Practice of Implementing Symmetric Routing and Load Sharing in the Multi-Provider Internet May 95 Jun 95 Application of the BGP Destination Preference Attribute in Implementing Symmetric Routing Request For Comments: RFC Stat Published Title ------- -- ---------- ----------------------------------------- RFC1105 E Jun 89 Border Gateway Protocol BGP RFC1163 PS Jun 90 A Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) RFC1164 PS Jun 90 Application of the Border Gateway Protocol in the Internet RFC1267 DS Oct 91 A Border Gateway Protocol 3 (BGP-3) RFC1268 DS Oct 91 Application of the Border Gateway Protocol in the Internet RFC1269 PS Oct 91 Definitions of Managed Objects for the Border Gateway Protocol (Version 3) RFC1265 I Oct 91 BGP Protocol Analysis RFC1266 I Oct 91 Experience with the BGP Protocol RFC1364 PS Sep 92 BGP OSPF Interaction RFC1397 PS Jan 93 Default Route Advertisement In BGP2 And BGP3 Versions Of The Border Gateway Protocol RFC1403 PS Jan 93 BGP OSPF Interaction RFC1656 I Jul 94 BGP-4 Protocol Document Roadmap and Implementation Experience RFC1655 PS Jul 94 Application of the Border Gateway Protocol in the Internet RFC1657 PS Jul 94 Definitions of Managed Objects for the Fourth Version of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP-4) using SMIv2 RFC1654 PS Jul 94 A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4) RFC1745 PS Dec 94 BGP4/IDRP for IP---OSPF Interaction RFC1771 DS Mar 95 A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4) RFC1773 I Mar 95 Experience with the BGP-4 protocol RFC1774 I Mar 95 BGP-4 Protocol Analysis