This draft is well written and is ready from an ART perspective. I found myself wanting a few more examples (e.g., for "shareWith", which I found in draft-ietf-jmap-sharing), but I'm not an expert in JMAP. Nits: Section 1.4. Definition of Principal -- while there is a reference to [I-D.ietf-jmap-sharing] before the term Principal is used, the term is not defined or otherwise explained. A more explicit pointer or a definition would be helpful here. Section 4. The following description is hard to parse. There can be multiple principals for a calendar, but "id" is singular in this paragraph: * *shareWith*: Id[CalendarRights]|null (default: null) A map of Principal id to rights for principals this calendar is shared with. ... The account id for the principals... Section 5. s/overriden/overridden Section 5.8.1. The following line is too long and was truncated when I tried to print the document: participants~1dG9tQGZvb2Jhci5xlLmNvbQ~1participationStatus": null Section 5.8.1. s/This would mean remove/This would mean removing Section 6. s/The contents/The content Section 6.3. Does the following suggestion improve readability? Current: 2. Add a new alert to the event with an AbsoluteTrigger for the date-time the alert has been snoozed until. Perhaps: 2. Add a new alert to the event that has an AbsoluteTrigger specifying the date-time when the alert is to be sent again. Section 9.3.2. s/only be/only by Terminology: o Principal is inconsistently capitalized. o Quotes are inconsistently used for object, method, and property names. Best regards, Jean