Thank you for the effort put into this document. This specification proposes an approach to supply (and store) required context information to help interpreting telemetry data. It does so by leveraging existing tools (e.g., yang mount). This is useful especially when such context information cannot be easily grabbed from the collected data or when not enriched locally by collecting systems. With that in mind, the proposed approach is sound and reasonable. There are, however, some OPS/YANG issues that need to be further discussed # Avoid misalignment with existing models to report system characteristics & ease integration ## I was expecting that the main manifest information to be a mix/subset of hw/system information, mainly from RFC7317 and RFC8348. RFC7317 +--ro platform +--ro os-name? string +--ro os-release? string +--ro os-version? string +--ro machine? String RFC8348 +--ro hardware-rev? string +--ro firmware-rev? string +--ro software-rev? string You may explain why reusing these modules or parts of these modules is not an option? Grabbing data nodes from system/hw models has the merit to ease capturing required context info. ## Similarly, relationship with should be better discussed (other than the discussion about the node-id (at least reuse of the same data nodes naming): +--rw network-element* [ne-id] ................................... +--rw hardware-rev? string +--rw software-rev? string +--rw mfg-name? string +--rw mfg-date? yang:date-and-time +--rw part-number? string +--rw serial-number? string +--rw product-name? string ## Are there cases where metering and reporting are executed by distinct components of a network elements? If so, the characterization of the source that produced data (e.g., a service card) should be supplied, not only system-wide information. ## Section 5.1 includes the following: In case of Data Manifest change, the system should keep the mapping between the data collected so far and the old Data Manifest, and not assume that the latest Data Manifest is valid for the entire time series. This is an important aspect IMO that needs further elaboration about how this will be implemented. ## The document includes a fair discussion on collecting manifest data, but no discussion about when it is safe to flush out such information. I wonder whether some discussion can be added to optimize required data storage (when there is no record that bind to a given manifest version, decommissioning of a network element, etc.). # YANG ## Mount can't be used at design time. RFC 8528 has the following: "Design-time mounts are outside the scope of this document and could be possibly dealt with in a future revision of the YANG data modeling language." I don't think we can define the two modules with mount use as "ietf-..". I think these should be defined as examples. Idem for the companion xml files (which will be stale as they include also specific module revision dates, etc.). ## However, in order to ensure the key information is used, I suggest that the core manifest/collection part be defined as separate groupings in the same/separate IETF modules. These modules can then be imported in your mount examples to illustrate the use. ## The description of a platform may change over time. The "id" is not sufficient in its own to map to a specific manifest (same platform). It is not clear how versions are tracked over time (upon change, etc.). ## Unlike the other modules, ietf-data-collection-manifest-statistics was not introduced early in the document. ## ietf-data-collection-manifest-statistics is actually a generic augmentation that can be used in other contexts than the manifest. I suggest that you use a more generic name for it + update the IANA considerations to register it + follow the security template in 8407bis. # Detailed review 45 comments, proposed edits, nits, broken example, etc. can be found at: * pdf: * doc: Hope this helps. Cheers, Med