This informational draft is well written and informative. Thanks to the author for working on this document. The draft is ready for publication. I noticed a few nits for the authors to consider. The line numbers are from idnits. 30 Instead of competing with each other, both the distributed and the 31 centralized control plane have their own advantages, and should be 32 complementary in the system. The authors may consider the following editorial change: Instead of competing with each other, both distributed and centralized control planes offer distinct advantages and should be viewed as complementary within the system. 155 This section provides an overview of the GMPLS control plane and 156 centralized controller systems and the interactions between the 157 GMPLS control plane and centralized controllers, for transport 158 networks. Suggested editorial change: This section provides an overview of the GMPLS control plane and centralized controller systems, as well as the interactions between the GMPLS control plane and centralized controllers in transport networks. 273 topology information utilizing the [RFC8795] Yang model and the nits: s/Yang/YANG 479 PCEP and RSVP-TE, methods. nits: extra "," 512 the source node, and then trigger an RSVP procedure along the path. nits: replace "and then trigger" with "triggering"